News — Best Swedish Dishcloths

The Ultimate College Care Package: Because Adulting is Hard!

Best Swedish Dishcloths care package Clards eco greeting gift for college

The Ultimate College Care Package: Because Adulting is Hard!

Remember, adulting is hard, but with the right tools (and a good pun), it’s totally doable. And hey, if all else fails, they can always use the Soak iT Up cloth to wipe away their tears—because let’s be real, we’ve all been there. 

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The Greatest Truth About Swedish Dishcloths (European Sponge Cloths)

best gifts Best Swedish Dishcloths cellulose cotton European sponge cloth Swedish Swedish dishcloth

The Greatest Truth About Swedish Dishcloths (European Sponge Cloths)

What Are Swedish Dishcloths?

Swedish dishcloths are highly absorbent cleaning cloths made from a blend of natural materials: 70% cellulose from wood pulp and 30% cotton. 

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What are Swedish Dishcloths: The Unsung Heroes of Your Kitchen?

best eco friendly greeting Best Swedish Dishcloths sponge sponge cloth Swedish Swedish dishcloth

What are Swedish Dishcloths: The Unsung Heroes of Your Kitchen?

What's all the fuss about Swedish Dishcloth or Swedish Sponge Cloth?

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The Best Hostess Gift Guide for Your Next Vacation That Add Cheer to Chores

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The Best Hostess Gift Guide for Your Next Vacation That Add Cheer to Chores

Dive in, make waves, relax, and make a splash on your next vacation with these thoughtful hostess gifts. Your hosts will thank you, and the planet will too!

Welcome to the Cool Side of the Lake

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How many paper towels do you use? Stop the bad habit, we can help.

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How many paper towels do you use? Stop the bad habit, we can help.

Did you know that Americans are using an astonishing amount of paper towels each year? With an estimate of over 6 million pounds of paper towel waste generated every single day, it’s clear that our paper towel habits have a massive environmental impact.

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